Thursday 18 September 2014

Make this natural cold remedy at home!

Feeling sneezey? Is your head congested? Nose runny, stuffed up, itchy? I HAVE THE REMEDY! This natural remedy has never once failed me. My friend shared it with me and now I will share it with you. It's really easy to make and doesn't cost much money.
Ingredients: Garlic (one full bulb) chopped, Ginger (good size chunk 4" or more) peeled and chopped, 2 Lemons chopped, 2 Cinnamon Sticks, Star Anise (5 stars), 5 Little Red Hot Peppers (not chopped). 
Step 1: Get a large stock pot and fill it about 3/4 full with water (around 14-16 cups)
Step 2: Throw everything into your pot of water and bring to a boil.
Step 3: Let the pot boil for about 10 minutes, then lower heat to minimum and simmer.
Step 4: After about 2 hours, start to drink the liquid. Add honey to taste.
Keep the pot on the stove and keep adding more water as needed. The longer it simmers, the stronger it gets. Drink it all! Happy Healing :)

Thursday 4 September 2014

The Power Of Gratitude

I am so thankful for the power of positive thinking. I am so grateful for Gratitude! Nothing keeps me in a bad mood like thinking about everything that is going wrong. So when I need an attitude adjustment, I start thinking of all the things that I have to be grateful for. Feeding this positive energy into your life gives it strength and attracts more good vibes. One of the most valuable lessons I've ever learned is that ONLY I HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE MYSELF HAPPY because I get to choose how I feel above every situation that comes my way. It's a choice.

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." -Henry Ford

Practice Gratitude every day. Take a few moments when you first wake up and before you go to sleep to think about the things that you are lucky to have. Make a list and carry it in your pocket or purse, or hang it up where you can see it. If a negative thought sneaks into your head during the day, turn it into a positive one using Gratitude. I'll give you an example: I feel like a loser because I don't have my own place to live and I can't afford to pay rent. I turned this into: I am so grateful for the kindness of my friend who has offered to let me stay with her. Easy right? I have no use for those negative thoughts, so when they show up, it's almost like a game to try and exterminate them with Gratitude.

Go ahead and think of 5 things that you are grateful for. I challenge you! These are mine:

1. My broken foot is only temporary and I am healing more and more each day.
2. My son is happy and healthy and a joy to be around.
3. I live in a beautiful city with so many parks and easy access to nature and the ocean.
4. I have access to clean drinking water.
5. I have friends who are there for me when I need them and my life is full of laughter.

And through-out the day, if negativity rears it's ugly head, blast it away with Gratitude!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

When It Rains, It Pours. A story about one woman trying to make the best out of a bad situation

How bad could it be, you ask? Well, I don't want to spend this entire story complaining about how hard life is - "oh whoa is me" style. So, I'll just sum it up and spit it out. I am a server in Vancouver. I live with my boyfriend, I mean my ex-boyfriend. We broke up 10 days before our trip to Europe. We took the same plane but separate trips and I returned home with amazing memories and empty pockets. (I know what you're thinking - lucky bitch went to Europe, what the hell is she complaining about?) I come home, we still live together and we work together. It's awkward. Once best friends and lovers, now strangers sharing space like ghosts on an abandoned ship. Then, I break my foot. I can't work, I have no money in savings and I have to move next week. I don't have anywhere to live, I can't pay rent, I cant pay movers.  Every day I go home and am reminded of the hopes and dreams we once had. Dreams that will never become a reality. We exchange simple niceties, which tear up my insides like a runaway lawnmower. My son is turning 7 in two weeks and I can't throw him a party or buy him a present. My car insurance is up for renewal on the same day and it needs AirCare. My car is standard and I can't drive it with my broken foot. With these crutches, I can't even carry my cup of tea to the table, how am I supposed to pack up my apartment? The negativity builds and builds and I'm crushed by it's compounding weight. Holy shit, life can be really hard sometimes. I consider myself a pretty positive person but even I am not immune to dark times. So, I throw myself a pity party and really wallow in this pit of doom and gloom for a few days. It's the only place I want to be. But what kind of motivational health coach would I be if I stayed there? So I'm choosing to change my attitude and find some solutions.

Albert Einstein said: "In difficulty comes opportunity."
Hell yes, Albert, I can do this.

So, this is what I am going to do. I'm going to take help from my amazing friends because that's what friends are for. I'm not going to feel weird about it because if the tables were turned, I would help them too. I'm going to write about it. It just feels good. Maybe it will help somebody else going through a hard time, for now, it sure helps me. I'm going to take this kick in the ass from the Universe and finally get my Nutrition business up and running. I have been a Holistic Nutritionist for almost a year now but I haven't done much with it. It's been very hard to leave my job at the restaurant. Until now. I get it Universe, I'm listening. It can be really scary to take a chance on something new. I'm absolutely terrified and I kind of like it.